We are at the tail end of one of the most disruptive time in our lifetimes, yet, here we are. Bruised, haggard, yet standing. We have suffered as a world, lost over 5,000,000 lives, millions of their friends and families mourning such loss. Our nation has lost over 700,000 lives, families distraught with their loss, and unable to properly mourn their passing. All of us have endured separation from loved ones, chaotic households, loss of jobs, food insecurity and unprecedent uncertainty. Businesses have had to quickly react to unimaginable issues in the workplace: Almost instant work from home requirements, new ways to manage teams, work & workflow, communication and employee relations.
The “Great Pause” has given all of us to really examine our lives and determine how we want to spend our time & talent. Companies, as they were, and as they are slowly becoming, do not appear to meet employees where they are today. Employee concerns are far deeper than do I get to work from home, can I get more money. More than ever, employees want to be seen and fully respected. They want to do meaningful work as they define meaningful. They are tired of the good ole boys club, listening only to the “favored.”
To retain top talent, this is what leaders need to find out – and quickly! The “Great Resignation” as this time is being called, can either be a crisis where leaders scramble trying to (unsuccessfully) to retain, replace, and overwork their employees. The gift of these times is this – this is an opportunity for Intentional Leaders to rethink management / leadership to what experts have been talking about for years, with many different models, terms and processes. Intentional Leadership is simply hiring the right person (technical and interpersonal skills), understand who people truly are deep within, know their gifts and shortcomings, knit the team together to use employee strengths, and nurture and grow opportunity areas to do work that all employees see supporting the enterprise’s mission & strategy.
Curious to hear more? Follow me, and stay tuned!!….Coach Matt
Find your Direction. Chart your Course.